Mental health disorders are up to three times more prevalent in women than men.

Help When You Need It service

Our Help When You Need It service offers outcome based support for women with practical and emotional support needs, living in Bristol. The service recognises that women with mental health issues have times when they are well, and times when they need support. This service can be accessed as and when you need it.

If your mental health is impacting on how you are living your life, our service may be able to help you.

We offer short to medium term, outcome focused, practical and emotional support to women with mental health needs who live in Bristol.

We use variety of communication methods from phone and text, email, virtual platforms, limited face to face. We also offer group work.

We work closely with adult care and anyone can refer to our service and you can self refer.

When you contact us you will speak to our triage worker to assess if we can help you immediately or over the short term. Our lines are open Monday-Friday 9.00am-5.30pm.

Should you need more support you may be referred to a support worker.

Services users say:

"Missing Link has transformed my mental health"

Services users say:

"Your ways of working with residents is so much more helpful than being admitted to hospital"

Services users say:

"I felt well and ready to go home"

Services users say:

"Missing Link literally saved my life"

Services users say:

"I am now in a good place emotionally and mentally"

Services users say:

"I am well on the way to recovering from my drug use"