
Dedicated self harm worker

A large number of women who use our services self-harm. Managing their self-harm remains a priority for them and we have a specialist worker to work with this issue.

The worker will work with a range of forms of self-harm including cutting, overdosing, alcohol and drug misuse and eating disorders, the worker will also work with women with dual diagnosis. The dedicated worker works as part of the Missing Link team and undertakes preventive and harm reduction work with any woman who is receiving a service.

Services users say:

"Missing Link has transformed my mental health"

Services users say:

"Your ways of working with residents is so much more helpful than being admitted to hospital"

Services users say:

"I felt well and ready to go home"

Services users say:

"Missing Link literally saved my life"

Services users say:

"I am now in a good place emotionally and mentally"

Services users say:

"I am well on the way to recovering from my drug use"